Target Generation
aka Spacebred Generations
First published: | Science Fiction Plus, Aug. 1953 as Spacebred Generations |
Genre: | SF SF |
Type: | Story Story |
Language: | all languages |
Country: | all countries |
Entries: | 60 (32 Author Books, 8 Anthologies, 11 Magazines, 0 Comics, 3 E-Books, 4 Audiobooks, 0 Radioplays, 0 Movies, 2 TV movies, 0 Stage plays) |
Filter: | all releases (60 Entries) |
Group: | by date |
Target Generation was released in the following 60 Editions:
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Знание - сила № 1, 1965
[Znaniye - sila № 1, 1965]
USSR Trudrezervizdat 1965
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[wk 57] [rel 5214] [ed 2547]
as: |
A célhoz ért nemzedék
[Part 1 of 2]
in: |
Univerzum, 1965-10
Hungary Kossuth Könyvkiadó 1965
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 2148] [ed 1315]
as: |
A célhoz ért nemzedék
[Part 2 of 2]
in: |
Univerzum, 1965-11
Hungary Kossuth Könyvkiadó 1965
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[wk 57] [rel 2149] [ed 1316]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
USSR Mir 1967
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 4770] [ed 2385]
as: |
[Mokuhyō no sedai (Part 1 of 2)]
Japanese, translated by: Kawamura, Tetsuro
in: |
奇想天外 1976/12
[Kiso Tengai 1976/12]
Japan Kiso Tengai Sha 1976
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[wk 57] [rel 2582] [ed 1543]
as: |
Η Γενιά του Στόχου
[I Yenia tu Stohu]
Greek, translated by: Saratsi, Titika
in: |
Ταξίδια στο Διάστημα
[Taxidia sto Diastima]
Greece Exantas / Loyotehnia 1977
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[wk 57] [rel 2269] [ed 1393]
as: |
[Mokuhyō no sedai (Part 2 of 2)]
Japanese, translated by: Kawamura, Tetsuro
in: |
奇想天外 1977/1
[ Kiso Tengai 1977/1]
Japan Kiso Tengai Sha 1977
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[wk 57] [rel 2588] [ed 1549]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Belozërov, S. (ed.):
Чего стоят крылья
[Chego stoyat krylʹya]
USSR Sovetskaya Rossiya 1989
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 5215] [ed 2548]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford / Shekli, Robert:
Американская фантастическая проза. Книга 2
[Amerikanskaya fantasticheskaya proza. Kniga 2]
(ed. by Gopman, Vladimir)
USSR Raduga 1990
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 5021] [ed 2447]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford / Shekli, Robert:
Клиффорд Саймак - Роберт Шекли
[Klifford Saymak - Robert Shekli]
(ed. by Gopman, Vladimir)
USSR Raduga 1990
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 5026] [ed 2448]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
USSR Raduga 1991
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 5032] [ed 2449]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Пересадочная станция. Денежное дерево
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya. Denezhnoye derevo]
USSR Riotip 1991
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 5038] [ed 2450]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Зарубежная фантастика. Выпуск 5
[Zarubezhnaya fantastika. Vypusk 5]
USSR Interbook 1991
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 5222] [ed 2549]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Достойный противник
[Dostoynyy protivnik]
Russia Profisdat 1992
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 5315] [ed 2625]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Специфика службы
[Spetsifika sluzhby]
(ed. by Isakov, D.I.)
Russia TPO Interface 1992
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 4652] [ed 2373]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Latvia Balar 1993
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 4781] [ed 2386]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Зачем их звать обратно с небес?
[Zachem ikh zvatʹ obratno s nebes?]
Azerbaijan Olimp 1993
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[wk 57] [rel 4025] [ed 2312]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 14
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 14]
Latvia Polaris 1994
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 4110] [ed 2329]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Сочинения в трех томах. Том 1
[Sochineniya v trekh tomakh. Tom 1]
Russia Terra-Knizhnyy klub 1999
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 4189] [ed 2334]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Незнакомцы во Вселенной
[Neznakomtsy vo Vselennoy]
Russia Eksmo / Domino 2004
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 57] [rel 4429] [ed 2359]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Весь Саймак - Театр теней
[Vesʹ Saymak - Teatr teney]
Russia Eksmo / Domino 2006
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 4305] [ed 2346]
as: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russia 2006
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 6072] [ed 3103]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Незнакомцы во Вселенной
[Neznakomtsy vo Vselennoy]
Russia Eksmo 2008
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 4829] [ed 2401]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka]
Russia Nigde ne kupish' 2011
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 6105] [ed 3117]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Поколение, достигшее цели / Всё живое... / Заповедник гоблинов
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli / Vsë zhivoye... / Zapovednik goblinov]
Russia Izdatelskiy Dom «Deych» 2013
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 5542] [ed 2768]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Molchanov, Mikhail
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Russia Eksmo 2018
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 6612] [ed 3388]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Molchanov, Mikhail
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Russia Eksmo / LitRes 2018
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 6816] [ed 3457]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Ветер чужого мира
[Veter chuzhogo mira]
Russia Azbuka 2021
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 7490] [ed 3681]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Ветер чужого мира
[Veter chuzhogo mira]
Russia Azbuka 2021
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 7648] [ed 3694]
as: |
Поколение, достигшее цели
[Pokoleniye, dostigsheye tseli]
in: |
Buldakov, Oleg (ed.):
Созвездие Льва-7
[Sozvezdiye L'va-7]
Russia Audiokniga svoimi rukami 2022
|  |
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[wk 57] [rel 8190] [ed 3879]