First published: | Astounding Science Fiction, Feb.-April 1939 |
Genre: | SF SF |
Type: | Novel Novel |
Language: | all languages |
Country: | all countries |
Entries: | 38 (30 Author Books, 2 Anthologies, 3 Magazines, 0 Comics, 3 E-Books, 0 Audiobooks, 0 Radioplays, 0 Movies, 0 TV movies, 0 Stage plays) |
Filter: | all releases (38 Entries) |
Group: | by date |
Cosmic Engineers was released in the following 38 Editions:
as: |
Cosmic Engineers
[Part 1 of 3]
in: |
Campbell jr., John W. (ed.):
Astounding Science Fiction, Feb. 1939
USA Street & Smith 1939
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 11] [rel 1729] [ed 986]
as: |
Cosmic Engineers
[Part 2 of 3]
in: |
Campbell jr., John W. (ed.):
Astounding Science Fiction, March 1939
USA Street & Smith 1939
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 11] [rel 1730] [ed 987]
as: |
Cosmic Engineers
[Part 3 of 3]
in: |
Campbell jr., John W. (ed.):
Astounding Science Fiction, April 1939
USA Street & Smith 1939
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 11] [rel 1731] [ed 988]
as: |
Shimakku, Kurifōdo D.:
[Dai uchū no gādian]
Japanese, translated by: Dan, Seiji
Japan Hayakawa bunko 1975
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![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 11] [rel 2478] [ed 1495]
as: |
Shimakku, Kurifōdo D.:
スペース・ウォーズ -宇宙十字軍
[Supēsu u~ōzu - uchū jūjigun]
Japanese, translated by: Minamiyama, Hiroshi
Japan Tokuma noberuzu 1978
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![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 11] [rel 2479] [ed 1496]
as: |
Космические инженеры
[Kosmicheskiye inzhenery]
Russian, translated by: Elksne, S.
in: |
Горы судьбы. Львы Эльдорадо. Космические инженеры. Кракен пробуждается. Одного поля ягоды
[Gory sudʹby. Lʹvy Elʹdorado. Kosmicheskiye inzhenery. Kraken probuzhdayetsya. Odnogo polya yagody]
USSR Avots / Polaris 1990
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![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 11] [rel 4844] [ed 2405]
as: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Инженеры космоса
[Inzhenery kosmosa]
USSR Nonoparel 1991
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 11] [rel 5377] [ed 2662]
as: |
Космические инженеры
[Kosmicheskiye inzhenery]
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Почти как люди
[Pochti kak lyudi]
Azerbaijan Olimp 1993
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 11] [rel 4035] [ed 2313]
as: |
Космические инженеры
[Kosmicheskiye inzhenery]
Russian, translated by: Elksne, S.
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Космические инженеры
[Kosmicheskiye inzhenery]
Russia Tsentrpoligraf 1994
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 11] [rel 943] [ed 331]
as: |
Космические инженеры
[Kosmicheskiye inzhenery]
Russian, translated by: Volnov, A.
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 18
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 18]
Latvia Polaris 1995
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 11] [rel 4174] [ed 2333]
as: |
Космические инженеры
[Kosmicheskiye inzhenery]
Russian, translated by: Vasilyeva, I. / Volnov, A.
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Весь Саймак - Звездное наследие
[Vesʹ Saymak - Zvezdnoye naslediye]
Russia Eksmo / Domino 2005
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![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 11] [rel 4265] [ed 2344]