Way Station
aka Here Gather the Stars
First published: | Galaxy Science Fiction, June + August 1963 as Here Gather the Stars |
Genre: | SF SF |
Type: | Novel Novel |
Language: | all languages |
Country: | all countries |
Entries: | 140 (100 Author Books, 8 Anthologies, 13 Magazines, 0 Comics, 11 E-Books, 8 Audiobooks, 0 Radioplays, 0 Movies, 0 TV movies, 0 Stage plays) |
Filter: | all releases (140 Entries) |
Group: | by date |
Way Station was released in the following 140 Editions:
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as: |
Here Gather the Stars
[Part 1 of 2]
in: |
Gold, H. L. (ed.):
Galaxy Magazine, June 1963
USA Galaxy Publishing Corporation 1963
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 1747] [ed 1004]
as: |
Here Gather the Stars
[Part 2 of 2]
in: |
Gold, H. L. (ed.):
Galaxy Magazine, Aug. 1963
USA Galaxy Publishing Corporation 1963
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 1748] [ed 1005]
as: |
Au carrefour des étoiles
[Part 1 of 2]
French, translated by: Deutsch, Michel
in: |
Galaxie N° 1, Mai 1964
France Opta 1964
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 3068] [ed 1844]
as: |
Au carrefour des étoiles
[Part 2 of 2]
French, translated by: Deutsch, Michel
in: |
Galaxie N° 2, Juin 1964
France Opta 1964
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 3069] [ed 1845]
as: |
Shimakku, Kurifōdo D.:
[Chūkei sutēshon]
Japanese, translated by: Funato, Makiko
Japan Hayakawa 1966
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 2522] [ed 1507]
as: |
Shimakku, Kurifōdo D.:
[Chūkei sutēshon]
Japanese, translated by: Funato, Makiko
Japan Hayakawa bunko 1977
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 2523] [ed 1508]
as: |
Simak, Clifford D.:
תחנת דרכים
[Thent derkeym]
Hebrew, translated by: Deynetsemn, Averley
Israel Dorrie Publishing 1981
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 2301] [ed 1408]
as: |
Ximǎkè, Kèlìfùdé D.:
[Qíguài de yìzhàn]
China Guizhou People's Publishing House 1981
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 2608] [ed 1565]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya [Abstract]]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Советская библиография 1989`3
[Sovetskaya bibliografiya 1989`3]
USSR Vsesoyuznuyu knizhnuyu palatu 1989
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 7313] [ed 3619]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Saymak, Klifford / Shekli, Robert:
Американская фантастическая проза. Книга 2
[Amerikanskaya fantasticheskaya proza. Kniga 2]
(ed. by Gopman, Vladimir)
USSR Raduga 1990
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 5020] [ed 2447]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Saymak, Klifford / Shekli, Robert:
Клиффорд Саймак - Роберт Шекли
[Klifford Saymak - Robert Shekli]
(ed. by Gopman, Vladimir)
USSR Raduga 1990
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 5025] [ed 2448]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya (Part 1 of 7)]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Знание-сила 1/1990
[Znaniye-sila 1/1990]
USSR Trudrezervizdat 1990
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 5387] [ed 2672]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya (Part 2 of 7)]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Знание-сила 2/1990
[Znaniye-sila 2/1990]
USSR Trudrezervizdat 1990
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 5388] [ed 2673]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya (Part 3 of 7)]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Знание-сила 3/1990
[Znaniye-sila 3/1990]
USSR Trudrezervizdat 1990
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 5389] [ed 2674]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya (Part 4 of 7)]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Знание-сила 4/1990
[Znaniye-sila 4/1990]
USSR Trudrezervizdat 1990
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 5390] [ed 2675]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya (Part 5 of 7)]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Знание-сила 5/1990
[Znaniye-sila 5/1990]
USSR Trudrezervizdat 1990
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 5391] [ed 2676]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya (Part 6 of 7)]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Знание-сила 6/1990
[Znaniye-sila 6/1990]
USSR Trudrezervizdat 1990
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 5392] [ed 2677]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya (Part 7 of 7)]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Знание-сила 7/1990
[Znaniye-sila 1/1990]
USSR Trudrezervizdat 1990
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 5393] [ed 2678]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Снова и снова
[Snova i snova]
USSR Avots / Polaris 1991
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 4851] [ed 2409]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
USSR Raduga 1991
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 105] [rel 5031] [ed 2449]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Пересадочная станция. Денежное дерево
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya. Denezhnoye derevo]
USSR Riotip 1991
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 5037] [ed 2450]
as: |
Xi Mǎkè Zhe:
[Shénmì de zhōngjìzhàn]
Chinese, translated by: Weiping, Li / Lida, Yang
China Fujian Children's Publishing House 1991
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 2606] [ed 1563]
as: |
Saĭmŭk, Klifŭrd:
Междинна станция
[Mezhdinna stantsiya]
Bulgarian, translated by: Aslanyan, Sarkis
Bulgaria Georgi Bakalov / Galaktika 1992
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 2361] [ed 1437]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
В безумии
[V bezumii]
Russia Tsentrpoligraf 1992
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 4210] [ed 2337]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Пересадочная станция. Снова и снова
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya. Snova i snova]
Ukraine Daynemik 1992
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 4855] [ed 2410]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Собрание сочинений. Том 3. Что может быть проще времени
[Sobraniye sochineniy. Tom 3. Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni]
Belarus Eridan 1992
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 4911] [ed 2419]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Вы сотворили нас!
[Vy sotvorili nas!]
Russia Severo-Zapad 1993
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 4750] [ed 2382]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Azerbaijan Olimp 1993
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 4013] [ed 2310]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 10
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 10]
Latvia Polaris 1994
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 4084] [ed 2325]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russia AST 1998
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 4735] [ed 2380]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Сочинения в трех томах. Том 1
[Sochineniya v trekh tomakh. Tom 1]
Russia Terra-Knizhnyy klub 1999
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 4180] [ed 2334]
as: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russia SiDiKom 2002
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 6076] [ed 3086]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russia Eksmo / Valeri SPD 2002
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 105] [rel 4395] [ed 2352]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Заповедник гоблинов
[Zapovednik goblinov]
Russia AST 2003
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 4704] [ed 2376]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Весь Саймак - Пересадочная станция
[Vesʹ Saymak - Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russia Eksmo / Domino 2004
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 4237] [ed 2339]
as: |
[Shénmì de zhōngjìzhàn]
in: |
世界科幻博览 (World Science Fiction Expo) 2005.3
[Shìjiè kēhuàn bólǎn (World Science Fiction Expo) 2005.3]
China Fujian People Publishing house 2005
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 2621] [ed 1577]
as: |
Xi mǎkè, Kè lǐ fú dé·:
[Xīngjì yìzhàn]
Chinese, translated by: Zhuzhu, Chen
China Sichuan Science and Technology Press 2005
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 2607] [ed 1564]
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Заповедник гоблинов
[Zapovednik goblinov]
Russia Eksmo / Domino 2006
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 4680] [ed 2375]
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