Time is the Simplest Thing
aka The Fisherman
First published: | Analog Science Fact + Fiction, April-July 1961 as The Fisherman |
Genre: | SF SF |
Type: | Novel Novel |
Language: | all languages |
Country: | all countries |
Entries: | 94 (59 Author Books, 10 Anthologies, 14 Magazines, 0 Comics, 9 E-Books, 2 Audiobooks, 0 Radioplays, 0 Movies, 0 TV movies, 0 Stage plays) |
Filter: | Print Editions (83 Entries) |
Group: | by date |
Time is the Simplest Thing was released in the following 83 Print Editions:
as: |
The Fisherman
[Part 1 of 4]
in: |
Campbell jr., John W. (ed.):
Analog Science Fact - Fiction, April 1961
USA Street & Smith 1961
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 1743] [ed 1000]
as: |
The Fisherman
[Part 2 of 4]
in: |
Campbell jr., John W. (ed.):
Analog Science Fact - Fiction, Mai 1961
USA Street & Smith 1961
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 1744] [ed 1001]
as: |
The Fisherman
[Part 3 of 4]
in: |
Campbell jr., John W. (ed.):
Analog Science Fact - Fiction, June 1961
USA Street & Smith 1961
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 1745] [ed 1002]
as: |
The Fisherman
[Part 4 of 4]
in: |
Campbell jr., John W. (ed.):
Analog Science Fact - Fiction, July 1961
USA Street & Smith 1961
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 1746] [ed 1003]
as: |
The Fisherman
[Part 1 of 4]
in: |
Campbell jr., John W. (ed.):
Analog Science Fact - Fiction [UK], Aug. 1961
UK Atlas Publishing 1961
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 1853] [ed 1109]
as: |
The Fisherman
[Part 2 of 4]
in: |
Campbell jr., John W. (ed.):
Analog Science Fact - Fiction [UK], Sept. 1961
UK Atlas Publishing 1961
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 1854] [ed 1110]
as: |
The Fisherman
[Part 3 of 4]
in: |
Campbell jr., John W. (ed.):
Analog Science Fact - Fiction [UK], Okt. 1961
UK Atlas Publishing 1961
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 1855] [ed 1111]
as: |
The Fisherman
[Part 4 of 4]
in: |
Campbell jr., John W. (ed.):
Analog Science Fact - Fiction [UK], Nov. 1961
UK Atlas Publishing 1961
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 1856] [ed 1112]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni (Part 1 of 3)]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Урал 7/1982
[Ural 7/1982]
USSR Sverdlovskoy oblastnoy pisatelskoy organizatsii 1982
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 5415] [ed 2699]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni (Part 2 of 3)]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Урал 8/1982
[Ural 8/1982]
USSR Sverdlovskoy oblastnoy pisatelskoy organizatsii 1982
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 5416] [ed 2700]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni (Part 3 of 3)]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Урал 9/1982
[Ural 9/1982]
USSR Sverdlovskoy oblastnoy pisatelskoy organizatsii 1982
|  |
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[wk 100] [rel 5417] [ed 2701]
as: |
Czas jest najprostszą rzeczą
[Part 1 of 3]
Polish, translated by: Wroczyński, Michał
in: |
Hollanek, Adam (ed.):
Fantastyka 5 (20) 1984
Poland RSW Prasa-Książka-Ruch 1984
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 1945] [ed 1181]
as: |
Czas jest najprostszą rzeczą
[Part 2 of 3]
Polish, translated by: Wroczyński, Michał
in: |
Hollanek, Adam (ed.):
Fantastyka 6 (21) 1984
Poland RSW Prasa-Książka-Ruch 1984
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 1946] [ed 1182]
as: |
Czas jest najprostszą rzeczą
[Part 3 of 3]
Polish, translated by: Wroczyński, Michał
in: |
Hollanek, Adam (ed.):
Fantastyka 7 (22) 1984
Poland RSW Prasa-Książka-Ruch 1984
|  |
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[wk 100] [rel 2021] [ed 1232]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Panasko, Yevgeniy (ed.):
Невероятный мир
[Neveroyatnyy mir]
USSR Stavropolʹskoye knizhnoye izdatelʹstvo 1989
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4977] [ed 2431]
as: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
USSR Svityaz 1991
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4980] [ed 2433]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Anufriyev, G. / Solodovnikov, S. (ed.):
Конец детства
[Konets detstva]
USSR Universitetskoye - Eridan 1991
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4983] [ed 2435]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Panasko, Yevgeniy (ed.):
Невероятный мир
[Neveroyatnyy mir]
USSR Stavropolʹskoye knizhnoye izdatelʹstvo 1991
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4979] [ed 2432]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Panasko, Yevgeniy (ed.):
Невероятный мир
[Neveroyatnyy mir]
USSR Kemerovskoye knizhnoye izdatelʹstvo 1991
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4982] [ed 2434]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Saymak, Klifford / Innes, Khemmond:
Terra incognita: Неизвестная земля
[Terra incognita: Neizvestnaya zemlya]
(ed. by Bereznev, A.)
Belarus Pablisiti 1992
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4985] [ed 2436]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Panasko, Yevgeniy (ed.):
Невероятный мир
[Neveroyatnyy mir]
Russia Infoblits 1992
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4987] [ed 2437]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni]
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Ukraine Inart 1992
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 5347] [ed 2635]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Собрание сочинений. Том 3. Что может быть проще времени
[Sobraniye sochineniy. Tom 3. Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni]
Belarus Eridan 1992
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4912] [ed 2419]
as: |
Saĭmŭk, Klifŭrd:
Времето е най-простото нещо
[Vremeto e naĭ-prostoto neshto]
Bulgarian, translated by: Orlov, Evgeni
Bulgaria Bard 1993
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 2318] [ed 1417]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Выбор богов
[Vybor bogov]
Russia Severo-Zapad 1993
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4746] [ed 2381]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Что может быть проще времени? Город
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni? Gorod]
Ukraine Rossiyskaya kultura 1993
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4914] [ed 2420]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
in: |
Галактика 1
[Galaktika 1]
Russia Veche 1993
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4988] [ed 2438]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
in: |
Усовершенствованная мышеловка
[Usovershenst vovannaya myshelovka]
Russia Veche / Amex 1993
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4989] [ed 2439]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Зачем их звать обратно с небес?
[Zachem ikh zvatʹ obratno s nebes?]
Azerbaijan Olimp 1993
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4023] [ed 2312]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Космические инженеры
[Kosmicheskiye inzhenery]
Russia Tsentrpoligraf 1994
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 945] [ed 331]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 10
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 10]
Latvia Polaris 1994
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4083] [ed 2325]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Сочинения в трех томах. Том 2
[Sochineniya v trekh tomakh. Tom 2]
Russia Terra-Knizhnyy klub 1999
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4192] [ed 2335]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russia Eksmo / Valeri SPD 2002
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4396] [ed 2352]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Весь Саймак - Пересадочная станция
[Vesʹ Saymak - Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russia Eksmo / Domino 2004
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4226] [ed 2339]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Golovachëv, Vasiliy (ed.):
Золотой Век фантастики
[Zolotoy Vek fantastiki]
Russia Eksmo 2005
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4992] [ed 2440]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Заповедник гоблинов
[Zapovednik goblinov]
Russia Eksmo / Domino 2006
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4683] [ed 2375]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russia Eksmo 2008
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4502] [ed 2364]
as: |
Saimaki, Klip’ord D.:
რა შეიძლება იყოს დროზე მარტივი
[Ra Sheidzleba Iqos Droze Martivi]
Georgian, translated by: Abramishvili, Maya
Georgia Aliansi 2009
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 5633] [ed 2816]
as: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
Russia Eksmo 2010
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 4842] [ed 2403]
as: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
Russia Eksmo 2017
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 6687] [ed 3416]
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Принцип оборотня
[Printsip oborotnya]
Russia Eksmo 2017
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 6598] [ed 3387]
as: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
Russia Eksmo 2017
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 6780] [ed 3451]
as: |
Simak, Klifford:
Час – найпростіша річ
[Chas – nayprostisha rich]
Ukrainian, translated by: Dzhugastryanskaya, Yuliya
Ukraine Navchalʹna knyha - Bohdan 2018
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 7014] [ed 3530]
as: |
Simak, Klifford:
Час – найпростіша річ
[Chas – nayprostisha rich]
Ukrainian, translated by: Dzhugastryanskaya, Yuliya
Ukraine Navchalʹna knyha - Bohdan 2018
|  |
![Click to display the details of this edition]()
[wk 100] [rel 7015] [ed 3531]
as: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
Russia Eksmo 2020
|  |
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[wk 100] [rel 7209] [ed 3583]