All Novels in all releases
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Entries: | 1665 (1207 Author Books, 90 Anthologies, 75 Magazines, 16 Comics, 209 E-Books, 62 Audiobooks, 0 Radioplays, 4 Movies, 1 TV movie, 1 Stage play) |
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All Novels was released in the following 1665 Editions:
« ‹ Page 10 of 17 (Entry 901 to 1000 of 1665) › »
Destiny Doll
as: |
Игрушка судьбы
[Igrushka sudʹby]
Russian, translated by: Kozlovskiy, A.
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 1
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 1]
Latvia Polaris 1993
|  |
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[wk 117] [rel 4056] [ed 2316]
Time and Again
as: |
Снова и снова
[Snova i snova]
Russian, translated by: Sosnovskaya, Nadezhda
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 1
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 1]
Latvia Polaris 1993
|  |
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[wk 42] [rel 4057] [ed 2316]
Ring Around the Sun
as: |
Кольцо вокруг Солнца
[Kolʹtso vokrug Solntsa]
Russian, translated by: Grigoryev, Arkadiy
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 2
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 2]
Latvia Polaris 1993
|  |
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[wk 51] [rel 4060] [ed 2317]
Project Pope
as: |
Проект «Ватикан»
[Proyekt «Vatikan»]
Russian, translated by: Sosnovskaya, Nadezhda
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 2
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 2]
Latvia Polaris 1993
|  |
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[wk 144] [rel 4059] [ed 2317]
All Flesh is Grass
as: |
Вся плоть — трава
[Vsya plotʹ — trava]
Russian, translated by: Gal, Nora
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 3
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 3]
Latvia Polaris 1993
|  |
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[wk 109] [rel 4062] [ed 2318]
They Walked Like Men
as: |
Почти как люди
[Pochti kak lyudi]
Russian, translated by: Vasilyeva, Svetlana
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 3
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 3]
Latvia Polaris 1993
|  |
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[wk 101] [rel 4063] [ed 2318]
The Goblin Reservation
as: |
Заповедник гоблинов
[Zapovednik goblinov]
Russian, translated by: Gurova, Irina
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 4
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 4]
Latvia Polaris 1993
|  |
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[wk 112] [rel 4065] [ed 2319]
Out of Their Minds
as: |
Исчадия разума
[Ischadiya razuma]
Russian, translated by: Bitov, Oleg
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 4
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 4]
Latvia Polaris 1993
|  |
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[wk 116] [rel 4066] [ed 2319]
Cemetery World
as: |
Russian, translated by: Korolev, Kirill
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 5
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 5]
Latvia Polaris 1993
|  |
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[wk 122] [rel 4069] [ed 2320]
The Werewolf Principle
as: |
Принцип оборотня
[Printsip oborotnya]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy / Sharov, Andrey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 5
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 5]
Latvia Polaris 1993
|  |
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[wk 110] [rel 4068] [ed 2320]
as: |
Russian, translated by: Kafiyeva, K.
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 6
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 6]
Latvia Polaris 1993
|  |
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[wk 138] [rel 4071] [ed 2321]
Enchanted Pilgrimage
as: |
Паломничество в волшебство
[Palomnichestvo v volshebstvo]
Russian, translated by: Korolev, Kirill
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 6
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 6]
Latvia Polaris 1993
|  |
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[wk 131] [rel 4072] [ed 2321]
All Flesh is Grass
as: |
Всё живое...
[Vsë zhivoye...]
Russian, translated by: Gal, Nora
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Космические инженеры
[Kosmicheskiye inzhenery]
Russia Tsentrpoligraf 1994
|  |
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[wk 109] [rel 946] [ed 331]
Ring Around the Sun
as: |
Кольцо вокруг Солнца
[Kolʹtso vokrug Solntsa]
Russian, translated by: Grigoryev, Arkadiy
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Космические инженеры
[Kosmicheskiye inzhenery]
Russia Tsentrpoligraf 1994
|  |
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[wk 51] [rel 944] [ed 331]
Cosmic Engineers
as: |
Космические инженеры
[Kosmicheskiye inzhenery]
Russian, translated by: Elksne, S.
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Космические инженеры
[Kosmicheskiye inzhenery]
Russia Tsentrpoligraf 1994
|  |
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[wk 11] [rel 943] [ed 331]
Time is the Simplest Thing
as: |
Что может быть проще времени?
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni?]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Космические инженеры
[Kosmicheskiye inzhenery]
Russia Tsentrpoligraf 1994
|  |
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[wk 100] [rel 945] [ed 331]
Enchanted Pilgrimage
as: |
Saĭmŭk, Klifŭrd:
Омагьосано странство
[Omag’osano stranstvo]
Bulgarian, translated by: Bratkova, Margarita
Bulgaria Pleyada 1994
|  |
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[wk 131] [rel 2365] [ed 1441]
as: |
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Ukraine Oberig 1994
|  |
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[wk 158] [rel 4866] [ed 2413]
Time and Again
as: |
Снова и снова
[Snova i snova]
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Ukraine Oberig 1994
|  |
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[wk 42] [rel 4875] [ed 2413]
The Goblin Reservation
as: |
Заповедник гоблинов
[Zapovednik goblinov]
Russian, translated by: Gurova, Irina
in: |
Russia 1994
|  |
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[wk 112] [rel 6011] [ed 3071]
Where the Evil Dwells
as: |
В логове Нечисти
[V logove Nechisti]
Russian, translated by: Iordanskiy, Aleksey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 7
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 7]
Latvia Polaris 1994
|  |
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[wk 146] [rel 4074] [ed 2322]
Shakespeare's Planet
as: |
Планета Шекспира
[Planeta Shekspira]
Russian, translated by: Bitov, Oleg
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 7
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 7]
Latvia Polaris 1994
|  |
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[wk 133] [rel 4075] [ed 2322]
A Heritage of Stars
as: |
Наследие звёзд
[Naslediye zvëzd]
Russian, translated by: Gitt, Milena / Sharov, Andrey
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 8
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 8]
Latvia Polaris 1994
|  |
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[wk 134] [rel 4078] [ed 2323]
The Visitors
as: |
Russian, translated by: Shveynik, G.
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 8
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 8]
Latvia Polaris 1994
|  |
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[wk 140] [rel 4077] [ed 2323]
The Fellowship of the Talisman
as: |
Братство талисмана
[Bratstvo Talismana]
Russian, translated by: Korolev, Kirill
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 9
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 9]
Latvia Polaris 1994
|  |
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[wk 137] [rel 4081] [ed 2324]
Our Children's Children
as: |
Дети наших детей
[Deti nashikh detey]
Russian, translated by: Korolev, Kirill
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 9
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 9]
Latvia Polaris 1994
|  |
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[wk 124] [rel 4080] [ed 2324]
Way Station
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 10
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 10]
Latvia Polaris 1994
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 4084] [ed 2325]
Time is the Simplest Thing
as: |
Что может быть проще времени
[Chto mozhet bytʹ proshche vremeni]
Russian, translated by: Temkin, Grigoriy
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 10
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 10]
Latvia Polaris 1994
|  |
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[wk 100] [rel 4083] [ed 2325]
A Choice of Gods
as: |
Выбор богов
[Vybor bogov]
Russian, translated by: Voronko, E
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 11
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 11]
Latvia Polaris 1994
|  |
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[wk 119] [rel 4086] [ed 2326]
Special Deliverance
as: |
Живи, высочайшей милостью...
[Zhivi, vysochayshey milostʹyu...]
Russian, translated by: Aleksandrova, A.
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 12
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 12]
Latvia Polaris 1994
|  |
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[wk 145] [rel 4092] [ed 2327]
Highway of Eternity
as: |
Магистраль Вечности
[Magistralʹ Vechnosti]
Russian, translated by: Bitov, Oleg
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 12
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 12]
Latvia Polaris 1994
|  |
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[wk 147] [rel 4093] [ed 2327]
as: |
Russian, translated by: Zhdanov, Lev
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 13
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 13]
Latvia Polaris 1994
|  |
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[wk 158] [rel 4096] [ed 2328]
as: |
Russian, translated by: Vasilyeva, I.
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 13
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 13]
Latvia Polaris 1994
|  |
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[wk 49] [rel 4095] [ed 2328]
The Visitors
as: |
Saĭmŭk, Klifŭrd:
Bulgarian, translated by: Bŭchvarov, Krum
Bulgaria Bard 1995
|  |
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[wk 140] [rel 2369] [ed 1445]
Out of Their Minds
as: |
Рожби на разума
[Rozhbi na razuma]
Bulgarian, translated by: Ikonomov, Emanuel / Petrova, Siĭka
in: |
Saĭmŭk, Klifŭrd:
Рожби на разума
[Rozhbi na razuma]
Bulgaria Orfiya / Kameya 1995
|  |
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[wk 116] [rel 2385] [ed 1452]
Why Call Them Back From Heaven?
as: |
Зачем звать их обратно с небес?
[Zachem zvatʹ ikh obratno s nebes?]
Russian, translated by: Levkin, A.
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 18
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 18]
Latvia Polaris 1995
|  |
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[wk 111] [rel 4175] [ed 2333]
Cosmic Engineers
as: |
Космические инженеры
[Kosmicheskiye inzhenery]
Russian, translated by: Volnov, A.
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Миры Клиффорда Саймака. Книга 18
[Miry Klifforda Saymaka. Kniga 18]
Latvia Polaris 1995
|  |
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[wk 11] [rel 4174] [ed 2333]
Out of Their Minds
as: |
Благословенный дар
[Blagoslovennyy dar]
Russian, translated by: Zvorykina, N.
in: |
Искатель, № 5, 1995
[Iskatelʹ, № 5, 1995]
Russia Molodaya gvardiya 1995
|  |
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[wk 116] [rel 5101] [ed 2478]
The Werewolf Principle
as: |
Saĭmŭk, Klifŭrd:
Bulgarian, translated by: Bŭchvarov, Krum
Bulgaria Bard 1996
|  |
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[wk 110] [rel 2322] [ed 1421]
as: |
Saĭmŭk, Klifŭrd:
Котешко лице
[Koteshko litse]
Bulgarian, translated by: Bŭchvarov, Krum
Bulgaria Bard 1996
|  |
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[wk 138] [rel 2358] [ed 1434]
Where the Evil Dwells
as: |
Saĭmŭk, Klifŭrd:
Царството на злото
[Tsarstvoto na zloto]
Bulgarian, translated by: Stoyanov, Georgi
Bulgaria Bard 1996
|  |
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[wk 146] [rel 2391] [ed 1456]
The Fellowship of the Talisman
as: |
Saĭmŭk, Klifŭrd:
Братството на талисмана
[Bratstvoto na talismana]
Bulgarian, translated by: Khristov, Radoslav
Bulgaria Bard 1997
|  |
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[wk 137] [rel 2317] [ed 1416]
Project Pope
as: |
Saĭmŭk, Klifŭrd:
Bulgarian, translated by: Evtimova, Zdravka
Bulgaria Bard 1997
|  |
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[wk 144] [rel 2377] [ed 1447]
Destiny Doll
as: |
Simak, Clifford D.:
A Boneca do Destino - 1
[Part 1 of 2]
Portuguese, translated by: Tavares, Clarisse
Portugal Livros do Brasil 1997
|  |
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[wk 117] [rel 2795] [ed 1679]
Destiny Doll
as: |
Simak, Clifford D.:
A Boneca do Destino - 2
[Part 2 of 2]
Portuguese, translated by: Tavares, Clarisse
Portugal Livros do Brasil 1997
|  |
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[wk 117] [rel 2796] [ed 1680]
A Heritage of Stars
as: |
Miejsce Odlotów Do Gwiazd
[Part 1 of 2]
Polish, translated by: Michowski, Marek
in: |
Czerwony Karzeł 14
Poland Gdański Klub Fantastyki 1998
|  |
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[wk 134] [rel 2018] [ed 1229]
All Flesh is Grass
as: |
Saĭmŭk, Klifŭrd:
Всичко живо е трева
[Vsichko zhivo e treva]
Bulgarian, translated by: Georgieva, Zhechka / Lafchieva, Radka
Bulgaria Bard 1998
|  |
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[wk 109] [rel 2320] [ed 1419]
Our Children's Children
as: |
Saĭmŭk, Klifŭrd:
Девет живота
[Detsata na nashite detsa]
Bulgarian, translated by: Bŭchvarov, Krum
Bulgaria Bard 1998
|  |
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[wk 124] [rel 2344] [ed 1427]
A Choice of Gods
as: |
Saĭmŭk, Klifŭrd:
Избор на богове
[Izbor na bogove]
Bulgarian, translated by: Raĭchevski, Momchil
Bulgaria Bard 1998
|  |
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[wk 119] [rel 2348] [ed 1431]
The Goblin Reservation
as: |
Saĭmŭk, Klifŭrd:
Резерватът на таласъмите
[Rezervatŭt na talasŭmite]
Bulgarian, translated by: Rudinska, Zhivka
Bulgaria Bard 1998
|  |
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[wk 112] [rel 2383] [ed 1449]
The Goblin Reservation
as: |
Заповедник гоблинов
[Zapovednik goblinov]
Russian, translated by: Gurova, Irina
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Заповедник гоблинов
[Zapovednik goblinov]
Russia AST 1998
|  |
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[wk 112] [rel 4727] [ed 2379]
They Walked Like Men
as: |
Почти как люди
[Pochti kak lyudi]
Russian, translated by: Vasilyeva, Svetlana
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Заповедник гоблинов
[Zapovednik goblinov]
Russia AST 1998
|  |
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[wk 101] [rel 4728] [ed 2379]
Way Station
as: |
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russian, translated by: Korzhenevskiy, Aleksandr
in: |
Saymak, Klifford:
Пересадочная станция
[Peresadochnaya stantsiya]
Russia AST 1998
|  |
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[wk 105] [rel 4735] [ed 2380]
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