Clifford D. Simak - The International Bibliography

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Bifrost N°22

Artwork by Philippe Gady from Bifrost N° 22


Technical requirements | Terms | The Window | Operation | Further preferences | Special functions | Further Informations | Examples for using the site | Special informations about languages and countries

The bibliography consists of

  • belletristic work [fiction] (novels and short stories)
  • non fiction (books only)
  • edited books

by Clifford D. Simak which were published in printed form worldwide.

The bibliography does not include

  • E-Books, Audiobooks, film adaptions
  • articles, essays and prefaces

The bibliography might be extended later.

This help file corresponds to the state of April 2013. On August 3, 2015, the bibliography has been enhanced to e-books and audio media and it has a search function introduced. These new features are not yet included in this help file.

Technical requirements

You have to activate JavaScript in your browser and you have to allow Cookies for a correct function of this bibliography.

The bibliography is optimized for using with a PC. It was tested with Internet Explorer 8.0, Mozilla Firefox 17.0.1, Opera 12.01, Google Chrome 25.0 and Safari 5.1.7.

You can use this bibliography with other browsers, tablet PCs and smart phones, but it can not be guaranteed if it will be displayed correct neither if it will work without problems.

You should use a monitor with a resolution preference of 1024 x 768 or higher.

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The Window

Left frame "Works" | Middle Frame "Releases" | Right frame "Details"

The bibliography window consists of two main sections.

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Left frame "Works"

Here the works of Clifford D. Simak are listed. They appear only in their English original titles. Works, which are published under different titles are mentioned with its most renowned title with the addition of "aka".

Beside single works you can choose as well author books (collections and omnibus-collections) means such editions, which include only works by Clifford D. Simak.

A click on an entry displays in the middle frame releases of the corresponding works by Clifford D. Simak.

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Middle Frame "Releases"

A click on the link "Details" or on the thumbnail displays in the right frame the details of the particular edition.

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Right frame "Details"

Here appear the details of the particular editions in the following way

Attention: The country appears in all details always on the top, because one edition is always released at a particular place in a particular country.
The language and the translators appear only at the bottom of the releases, because one edition can be multilingual and one edition with several works could be translated by several translators

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"Type" and "Sort" | "Language" and "Country" | "Filter" and "Order"

If you change a selection in the list fields it will immediately affect the content of the informations at the bottom. For this function, Javascript must be activated!

"Type" and "Sort"

The two list fields "Type" and "Sort" affect primary the left frame"Works".


Here you can make preferences which works or author books shall be displayed in the left frame for the selection:

Attention: If you change the preference "Type", it will change immediately and directly the whole content in the frame "Works".
The content of the other frames "Releases" and "Details" ...

Note: If selected under "Type" "Stories", there might be the case of the special entry "_unknown Original Story" - this includes all translations of Clifford D. Simak-stories which I could not allocate to the English original title.
When the link was clicked and selected a release in the middle frame, sometimes in the right frame "Details" at the bottom you can find a note, which story it could be.


Here you can set up in which order the entries in the frame "works" shall be displayed:

Attention: When you change the preference "Sort", the whole order in the frame "Works" will be changed. The content of the other frames remains unchanged.

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"Language" and "Country"

The two list fields "Language" and "Country" affect the content of the frame "Works" but also the frame "Releases".


You can select "all Languages" or particular languages. The order of the selection is "all languages" followed by "English" and after that all other languages in the order of the English alphabet.

In the case you change the preference ...


You can select "all countries" or particular ones. The order of the selection is "all countries" followed by "USA", "UK" and after that all other countries in the order of the English alphabet.

In the case you change the preferences ...

Attention: The preference "Country" is subordinated to the preference "Language". In the case a language is already chosen, you can select under „Country“ only countries in which works by Clifford D. Simak were printed in the selected language.

To change the language or the country, affects the frames "Works" and "Releases". The content of the frames "Details" remains unaltered, even if there is an edition where language and country does not fit the undertaken preferences. This is intended! (see example 3)

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"Filter" and "Order"

These two preferences affect the frame "Releases".


This is an additional filter which enables you to influence the displayed Releases. Following options can be selected:


Here, all displayed results in the frame "Releases" can be sorted. There are following options:

The search results will appear in blocs, each bloc has a headline in a darker box.

Attention: If a work is already selected and the preference "Filter" and "Order" is changed, this work remain displayed. If you change "Filter" it can happen that no edition will be displayed because there are for example no releases of "Mutiny on Mercury" in any anthologies.

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Further preferences

Displaying of not released works | Hiding and Displaying of Thumbnails | Printing / Displaying a frame in a new tab/window

Displaying of not released works in an particular Language / Country

If you have selected a language or a country, at the top of the frame "Works" can be displayed a list and probably a link "xx unpublished works show".

If you click on this link the work-list displays now as well the works which are not released in the selected country or in the selected language.

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Hiding and Displaying of Thumbnails

The frame "Releases" displays as well thumbnails of the cover pictures. Depending on your selection the loading of the side can last quite long (for example the story "Desertion" has 229 Releases and 229 thumbnails!).

If you are bothered by the long loading times, click the link "Thumbnails hide". The thumbnails will be hidden. The details of an edition can now selected only via the link "Details”.

This preference remains unchanged even if other works, languages and countries are selected.

To display the thumbnails again click on the link "Thumbnails show".

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Printing / Displaying a frame in a new tab/window

The bibliography uses iFrames and is optimized for being displayed on a monitor. While trying to print a particular selection, there might appear some problems, for example instead of the content of the frame the content of the present content visible on the monitor will be printed.

Usually every browser has special function how single frames can be printed. Please inform yourself about the help functions of your browser.

Alternatively you can display any frame ("Works", "Releases", "Details") in a separate browser window. In each of the three frames there is at the bottom a link "Open this Frame in a new Tab/Window".

Click on this link and the frame you selected is displayed in a new tab or window (depending on the preferences of your browser).

Now you can print the content of the frames without problems while using the print option of your browser. You can use such a separate frame as well for other selections but the options are very limited.

To display again the complete frame set, click in the separate frame window on the link "Click here to view the complete frame set" or close the tab/window, because your primary working window is still kept.

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Special functions

Displaying of several works | Reset of all frames | Referencing of your selection | Setting the user language

Displaying of several works in the frame "Releases"

You find in the frame "Work" a link at the bottom of the list, which depends on the particular selection in "Type" for example "all Stories", "all Novels" etc. This link is not available in the case language and country are adjusted on “all”.

If you click on this link, the frame "Releases" displays not only the releases of a single work, but the releases of all works, according to the preferences (typ, language and country) displayed in the left frame „works“.

How many works are displayed, can be read under the links.

If there are more than 200, you get a warning after your click that the loading of the site can take time.

You have to click "Yes, I know the risk" for displaying the results in the middle frame.

For a better overview, in the frame "Releases" appears an additional line with the original title of a work.

Handle this function with care!

For example, the preference "all Works", "english" and "all countries" would display 1700 releases at once. Are the thumbnails adjusted on “on” there will be displayed 1700 thumbnails. It can happen that your browser will stop to react.

Attention: After the function "all stories", "all novels" etc. is adjusted, this preference remains unchanged even if you change "Language", "Country" or "Filter". For displaying again one single work click on an entry of your choice in the frame "Works".

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Reset of all frames

Click on the link "Clear". The contents of all three frames will be deleted and the list fields will be reset to its standard preference.

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Referencing of your selection

It might occur that you wish to reference a found entry and you want to send it as a link to a friend or to an internet forum.

All preferences you have adjusted can be saved as an URL with PHP parameters. But the URL in the address line of your browser does not change automatically when you have made your selection.

In this illustration the URL matches the current preferences.

In this illustration the URL does not match the current preferences.

This has technical reasons because I wanted to avoid that the side must be reloaded after each change of the preferences.

The particular recent URL according to your recent preferences you find at the top in the control section under the term Permalink".
You can:

zur Kapitelüberschrift

Setting the user language

You can change the user language of the bibliography at any time. Currently, two languages are available: English and German.

Hold your mouse over the link "User Lang[uage]" (German: "Ben[utzer]Sprache"). There are two flags visible. Click on the flag for the desired language.

The language of the user interface has been changed. The currently displayed data (works, releases and details) do not change.

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Further informations

Information on the content of the works | Enlarging of the displayed picture

Information on the content of the works

Often, when a story or a novel is selected, you find in the frame "Releases" a blue symbol .

If you click on this symbol, a short synopsis appears in the so-called fancy box.

To close the fancy box, click on the closing cross or anywhere outside of the box.

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Enlarging of the displayed picture

The frame "Details" displays the cover pictures of the editions with a maximal size of 400px.

Most images are available in a bigger resolution. In this case you find under the image the information "Click to enlarge" and the image measurements in pixel.

You can click on the link or on the image. It will appear enlarged (up to 750 pix) in a fancy box.

To close the fancy box, click on the closing cross or anywhere outside the box.


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Examples for using the site

Example 1: You want to know which novels are released in Polish |
Example 2: You want to know which stories are not released in Italian |
Example 3: You want know which stories from the collection "Strangers in the Universe" are released in German

Example 1: You want to know which novels are released in Polish

Select ...

You can click as well below on the link "all Novels". In the frame "Releases" appear all novels translated into Polish with all editions.

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Example 2: You want to know which stories are not released in Italian

Select ...

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Example 3: You want know which stories from the collection "Strangers in the Universe" are released in German

This collection is not released in German and you have to select...

(in this case, only 5 from 12 stories are translated into German)

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Special informations about languages and countries

Serbian / Croatian / Serbo-Croatian | Political changes in Eastern Europe

Serbian / Croatian / Serbo-Croatian

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Political changes in Eastern Europe

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