
Врата времени
[Vrata vremeni]

Russia, Sovetskaya Kuban 1993
Врата времени | Russia, Sovetskaya Kuban 1993
Click to enlarge (750x494 px)
Editor: Sigoshina, Zhanna
Title: Врата времени
[Vrata vremeni]
Type: Anthology
Country: Russia
Publisher: Krasnodar: Sovetskaya Kuban
Date: --/1993
Series: Zarubezhnaya fantastika
Pages: 304
Binding: hardcover
Cover Art:
This edition contains the following 1 work by Clifford D. Simak
…И правда сделает тебя свободным (The Answers, 1953)
[…I pravda sdelayet tebya svobodnym]
- Story
- p. 288-303
- Russian, translated by: Sigoshina, Zh.